Sign up to hear from us about upcoming meetings, events, and other things pertaining to the work we do.
Each year, agencies participating in the Siouxland Coalition to End Homelessness receive hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Department of Housing and Urban Development in our effort to end homelessness.
We need YOU to help us continue receiving those funds!
Everyone is welcome to attend the public meetings.
We especially need of:
Persons who are homeless or have experienced homelessness previously
Hospital Representatives
Indian Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities
LGBTQIA Service Organizations
Organizations Led By and Serving Black, Brown, Indigenous and Other People of Color
School Administrators/Homeless Liaisons
Youth Advocates
Youth Service Providers
Thank you for helping us grow our organization.
List and description of SCEH committees and current committee members (pdf)
DownloadCopyright © 2018 Siouxland Homeless - All Rights Reserved.